Compassion is our Mission

Travel Companion Services for Adults, and Other Travel Services
Our agents are trained for high-risk, crisis internvetion; but, sometimes you simply need someone you can trust to assist your child or adult family member. As their schedules allow, our agents are also available for:
- Adult Travel Companion. If you or a family member needs a friendly face and experienced traveller to serve as an adult travel companion, one of our agents would be glad to accompany you or your family member and assist with the logistics navigating the airport and interacting with airport and airline staff.
- Travel Companion for a child deemed not at-risk. If you cannot travel with your child, you want to make sure that they are safe. Our agents' training and experience make them the perfect companions for those times when your child is travelling alone for the first time, travelling overnight, or making complicated connections or transfers.
- Connection Assistance. Sometimes a family member will not need a companion for an entire trip, but they may need support for a connection or transfer. We have agents throughout the United States, and we would be happy to asssign one to assist your family members.